Thursday 26 March 2015

Sexy Jo Joins the Table!


In yesterday's post I pointed out that Sandwell's ludicrous "leader", Darren "The Xxxxxxxxxxx" Cooper [lampooning name for Cooper temporarily redacted], had embarked on a concerted attack on UKIP's Councillor Phil Garrett together with a newcomer to Twitter coyly called "Joanne". At the time of blogging, "Joanne" had only one real follower and was following only one real person, er, Cllr. Darren Cooper.

Then suddenly "Joanne" felt the need to seek support from Cooper's Unite the Union operator, Brian Rickers (who, with Cooper, has also been engaging with many of the troll accounts attacking me and my wife). Happily Rickers then immediately "followed" the account:

New Follower:

But "The Xxxxxxxxxxx" [lampooning name for Cooper temporarily redacted] himself has revealed that "Joanne" is NOT yet another troll account that he is engaging with but none other than his Sandwell Labour colleague, Councillor Joanne Hadley!

This is - potentially - very good news for us all as Cllr Jo has enjoyed a colourful sex-life (as featured in the Halesowen News no less) and we could do with some juicy stuff on Twitter to balance all Cooper's "I'm a victim" guff. Regretably, "Joanne" has only indulged in UKIP-bashing so far and we must hang on for lurid tales of rumpy-pumpy.....

I mentioned yesterday how Cooper had (mis)used the official channels of Sandwell Council to formally write to a third party attacking me and this blog in an effort to get it shut down. He specifically complained about me using a Facebook photo of a Councillor on this blog but yesterday he was very happy to himself lift a Facebook page of Cllr Garrett's wife and use it to attack him. And so this prompted me to have a look at Cllr Jo's Facebook account and it makes somewhat surprising reading! I also took a look at his too....

Cllr Jo has. of course, featured in this blog before when I pointed out that she was in receipt of substantial "special responsibility" payments on top of her normal Council allowance:

Not only that, but the real "Leader" of the Council, Mahboob "The Muppet Master" Hussain and his sidekick Cooper, had actually placed her on the Board of multi-million pound budgeted Sandwell Leisure Trust (SLT) as a trustee.

Because of Sandwell Labour's  "Wonga-land" obsession with spending colossal sums on sport at the expense of everything else (and borrowing the money for this too eg Wednesbury Leisure Centre) SLT is doing very nicely thank you despite the alleged "cuts". But the appointment of Cllr Jo does seem odd as she is an ex-bankrupt (Dudley County Court Matter 159 of 2008). I assume she had discharged her bankruptcy before she stood for election and no doubt made full disclosure of it to the hapless voters of Great Bridge during her campaign.

But hang on - perhaps I am doing her a disservice here! It seems she DOES have knowledge of the leisure industry after all. On her Facebook account Jo states that she has been a "manager" at Curves (Gym) in West Bromwich "from 1981 to the present". The question is what she means by "the present" and she does not appear to have used her Facebook account since May, 2014. (I have all this screen-shotted of course). And so she was claiming to be employed by Curves in May, 2014.

The reason I ask is that in her current Register of Members' Interests dated 19th August, 2014 she signed a legal declaration saying she was not employed. More particularly she had done so on her PREVIOUS Register entry too! And so either the Register is incorrect or the Facebook page is! They do make a lot of "errors" don't they these Labour Councillors - thank heavens they don't have to preside over f*cking up a multi-million pound local authority, er......... Oh sh*t Sherlock!

In the circumstances you will understand why I have written to the Monitoring Officer of SMBC asking for copies of all Jo's entries since Great Bridge saw fit to elect her (see mail below).

But, of course, to set a good example the currently unemployed Xxxxxxxxxxx [lampooning name for Cooper temporarily redacted] himself is lying on his Facebook page by falsely claiming to be still working for the NHS (good with an election coming up!) Oh dear, oh dear. Here is a screen shot from TODAY:

Now if you want Sandwell to remain a laughing stock don't forget to Vote Labour y'all!

(Mail to SMBC today)

Dear Ms Sharma,

I am writing to you specifically in your capacity as SMBC's Monitoring Officer.

Please forward to me copies of ALL the different versions of the Register of Members' Interests filed by Councillor Joanne Hadley since 6th May, 2010.

Yours faithfully,

Julian Saunders.


Remember to contact DS Wayne Haynes and his Team in confidence on 0121 251 2175 if you have any information concerning the ongoing enquiry into potential fraud at Sandwell Council.


E-mail:           Twitter: @bcrover (Vernon Grant)

Confidential phone number: 07599 983737

1 comment:

  1. Why not go straight to the source instead of doing "your research" .. Because as you know "not everything that is put on the Internet" is written how is perceived, Cllr Joanne Hadley is a very hard working part of the Sandwell and great bridge team, does everything she can for her residents and she's one of the people, she says it how it is, which is more than we can say about you, as you sit here and personally bash and name call the people whom are working so hard to make our areas a better place for us, so before you start making judgement on people Mr Saunders, Mr Grant or whoever you claim to be, try talking to people and find out what they stand for and not what they have written about them.


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